Tuesday, 26 April 2011

What is chakaap land?

Hey everyone, 
I'm Sarala pronounced SsharrraLa and one boring lazy day i just thought i would start blogging.
In my terms bitching and gossiping but not just with my closed ones anymore why not I share it to all.
NO there wont be no bitching really it will be ,Well as the title suggests MY CHAKAAP, will be blogging about plainly everything that might catch my attention and anything that's relevant to me and giving it my thoughts and views. 
Slating if required .
So I’ll be updating you on any kinds of Chakaap I’ll come across.
Hope you enjoy my posts.

Love Sarala ; ) x


  1. welcome to blogs ville Sarala.
    Drop by my page & hit the follow button when you get a chance.

  2. i just went through your posts and i'm loving it . Good on you sarala
